Thursday, February 05, 2009

Elegantly Wasted...

Evening - Feb 5th: The man is unwraveling before us in such a short time. Why he feels he needs to pass a trillion dollar pork barrel bill - and rush it through Congress - is beyond any reasonable man's thinking. And the more and more he presses his point (which is none - except "Obey me, because I won") - he looks more and more foolish, clueless and ignorant. He doesn't, even to this day, understand what is in the bill and what any component will do. Let's look for where those puppet strings are leading to right now.

All he does is campaign, campaign and campaign (it's all he knows what to do, but someone should remind him that he "won" as he so insultingly told the same Republicans last week he was trying to court for their vote, what arrogance!) - and he is now swinging wildly and missing - and just after two weeks and sailing aboard a tusnami of initial good will and hoopla, he is frankly just talking gibberish - and frankly insulting the intelligence of the American people. (see here).

And just tonight, before a throng of Democrats at a posh resort, he did not posture himself as the President of the United States, but as a singular Democrat. After again jousting with veiled threats at conservative radio (the only people who dare analyze anything on this bill) and saying that whatever he thinks must be right because he won the election (thank you for reminding us again and again "O") - he then ended with a flourish of rhetorical platitudes and with the statement that "that is what the Democratic Party is all about".

You might be able to win elections through vacuous and vague speeches but you cannot legislate nor lead that way.

(Please see here for an excellent article on Obama's fondness for campaigning and not leading and his awkward duplicitness on the "I won" argument.)


Anonymous said...

Why don't you just call this the "I Hate Democrats/President Obama" blog and get it over with? Where's the variety? Where's the "fair and balanced" critique of your own people? Or don't Republicans ever do anything wrong in your eyes? What I'd like to see here is a willingness to put your so-called "reasonable man's thinking" seeing the flaws in your Red State mentality. You so easily accuse others of thinking and acting in a partisan manner and yet you have no problems when your own people do it. When are you going to write something where you don't exhibit your rabid political invective transparent double-standard thinking? When do we get to read an "eyes wide open" slam of Bush and Co? Or anyone--ANYONE--from that side of the fence? Seriously. This shit? It just gets old.

Rock said...

You elected him - with "eyes wide open" apparently. Dont' blame me for it getting old after only three weeks in.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame anyone for electing our current President. I'm still glad it happened. I'm merely pointing out that you've done nothing but predict disaster for him and every Democrat who's ever held office and you've done so before the election, during and after. It's the same song over and over. Meanwhile, you neatly sidestep any foibles your own elected officials reveal. You don't hold Bush or Cheney or any of their ilk responsible for anything they've ever done. At least...not in this space, and it's made worse by the fact that you make blanket excuses for others by using worn out phrases like "He's a patriot! She's a patriot!" as though this somehow makes up for a lack of experience in any given area...or excuses any wrongdoing without actually addressing any of it. You give NeoCons a blank check to screw up royally while you eagerly keep score on anything liberals might do wrong. Not that you're a journalist or anything like it, but the real notion of "fair and balanced" isn't FOX News who allow one liberal to grace their set (or invite others to be screamed at during a live interview). That network is nothing more than one giant apology for the Republican machine. It's guys like Tim Russert-- who was EQUALLY rough and gracious with representatives of both sides--who really know how to be unbiased. And both sides said as much. He was, by the way, a Democrat. Find me a Republican who can do that. I don't expect great philosophical thoughts here or even a post or two where you ream your own kind out for some of the disasters they've caused in the last eight years. That really WOULD surprise me. But it's the height of hubris to blame all of your troubles on other people while saving none of the responsiblity for those whom you helped bring to office. You don't EVER do this, Rock. I seem to recall that you gave McCain BIG POINTS for "taking on his own party". Why can't you do it here? And when I accused you of that thing in my first comment? You come back with a "don't blame me" response. How can I blame you for Obama being President? You didn't vote for him and I did? That doesn't even make sense. See what you did? You don't address my central point and you try to turn it around and pretend that I'm upset about the same thing you are. You stole that right from the FOX playbook.

Rock said...

I just don't understand why liberals are so angry all of the time. Aren't you supposed to be the compassionate party?

Anonymous said...

Still not addressing the question.

Anonymous said...

Still not addressing the question. Typical NeoCon dodge of the double-standard variety. And pointing it out doesn't make me angry. Your obvious vitriol is another matter entirely.

Rock said...

There is no "question". You are just yelling. And yelling some more. And what is this NeoCon crap? Is this something you sit around at your book burning club and discuss? No - I didn't think so - so grow up and discuss the issues. And the issue right now is that the new President is wanting to pass a One Trillion dollar bill that he says will stimulate the economy although even someone like you could tell from his recent comments and belittling anyone who goes against him that he doesn't even understand what is in the bill. Now do you want to hang that around your kids future? don't you think something so big might require a bit more time to discuss than this "we need to pass it or catastrophe will Occur"? Surely you have not been brainwashed enough to this point to understand this. I certainly hope so.

Anonymous said...

No one's yelling except you. You're screaming about the stimulus package and I'm wondering why you didn't get upset over the one that Bush passed? I also asked why you don't hold Republicans up to the same kind of scrutiny as you have the Democrats and you haven't answered me. The fact that you refuse to is, in fact, an answer. As for book burning...that's a funny one. That activity belongs in the NeoCon lesson plan...enjoyed by many of your Fundamentalist Christian party mates. Even they'll tell you that. I'm out of here.

Rock said...

blah, blah, blah